Setting up scheduled runs by geozones within Elite EXTRA saves your dispatchers time. Once set-up, the manifests/routes automatically build for you,...
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Collecting COD payment information electronically
Cash on delivery (COD) payment is a transaction in which your customer pays for their product at the time of delivery.
Auto Suggest and Auto Route Features of Elite EXTRA
Stop wondering if your delivery routes could be more efficient, or if the orders you’re delivering should’ve been sent with another driver because...
What are the perks of using an asset scheduler?
What is an Asset Scheduler? The asset scheduler is a helpful tool built to fit the needs of those who schedule assets, such as vehicles, based on...
Staff Permissions Profiles in Elite EXTRA
Staff Permissions In Elite EXTRA, each staff user can access different portions of the site. This level of access is controlled by the staff...
Verify COD Orders with Payment Validation
Cash on delivery (COD) is a transaction in which your customer pays for their product at the time of delivery. Originally the term applied to just a...
Managing your vehicle maintenance tasks in Elite EXTRA
Vehicles and Maintenance Schedules Vehicles and maintenance schedules are additional features that can be enabled on Elite EXTRA for no extra...
How to Keep Track of Customer Returns
Trying to figure out what that return was from Joe’s Garage 6 months ago and if they received credit? We can help. Broken parts, returns, stock...
Using Elite EXTRA To Keep Track Of Warehouse Invoice Picking Workflow
Warehouses, there are those whose operations eat away at profits and then on the opposite spectrum, those that meet all customer expectations while...
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