One key advantage of utilizing an advanced dispatch platform like Elite EXTRA is the system’s ability to perform dispatching in real-time as well as a number of other operations. The old system of printing manifest sheets, organizing routes on a whiteboard, and manually organizing routes in a mapping software just can’t compete with the hyper-efficient dispatching process that advanced dispatch technology has to offer. Below are just a few of the functions that advanced dispatch technology like Elite EXTRA can handle in real-time, and the benefits that each has for your organization.
Real-Time Integration
Real-time integration with your point of sale system means that there is no delay between when an order is received and when a dispatcher can begin adding it to routes. Advanced dispatch software relies on seamless integrations with point of sale systems across many industries to put the data you need in your dispatcher’s hands when they need it. Elite EXTRA’s web-based platform ensures that all of your orders are held on a single web-based platform with little delay between when the order is received and when it can be sent out for delivery.
Real-Time Dispatching
With the order now in the hands of your dispatchers, it can be put on a route and dispatched to a driver’s mobile device in real-time. This real-time dispatching feature of advanced dispatch technology reduces delays in completing orders by getting routes to your drivers as soon as they’re ready. Along with this, if any changes need to be made to a route that’s already in progress, these changes can be made by the dispatcher with ease. Having full, real-time control of your orders and routes is imperative for running a streamlined logistics operation.
Real-Time Driver Tracking
Keeping drivers accountable is an issue in any logistics operation, and there’s no easy fix through the old ways of managing deliveries. Uncertainties of the location and status of drivers can waste both time and money. With advanced dispatch technology; however, these uncertainties become a thing of the past due to real-time driver tracking. Your dispatchers will be kept informed about where every one of their drivers is along their routes and will know when drivers are ready to be dispatched to. This functionality will keep your drivers accountable and your dispatchers fully informed, allowing for a streamlined logistics operation.
Real-Time Customer ETA Alerts
Now, more than ever, it’s not just your dispatchers that need real-time visibility of orders, but your customers as well. Customers expect to know the status of their orders as well as when they will arrive. Advanced dispatch technology keeps your customers informed along every step of the order process with real-time email or text ETA alerts. This will help improve customer satisfaction and limit the number of angry phone calls you have to handle from customers wondering when their order will arrive.
You don’t have to settle with the outdated way of managing your deliveries. Streamline your logistics operation by upgrading to an advanced dispatch platform like Elite EXTRA that can handle your dispatching in real-time as well as a number of other functions.