Elite EXTRA’s will call feature allows you to track your pick up orders and collect customer signatures.
Do you have customers that prefer to come in and pick up their orders rather than have a driver deliver the product? Let Elite EXTRA’s will call feature and technology help you serve your customers while tracking your orders from start to finish. This option works in conjunction with the EXTRA Will Call Signer application, which is compatible with both Android and iOS devices.
How Does the Will Call Process Work?
Your business will work with our helpful Elite EXTRA teams for setting up support and pricing. Once you are ready to proceed, it’s just a matter of installing the EXTRA Will Call Signer app on your inhouse tablets or devices and adjusting your order flow settings if necessary. As customers arrive at your location to pick up their orders, you can send the orders directly to the tablets or devices. Customers will simply sign their names on the device, which will generate an electronic proof of delivery for your record keeping. This allows for a quick and seamless transaction for your customers while also providing you with the tracking documentation you require.
Where Can I Manage My Will Call Orders?
When using Elite EXTRA to manage your will-call orders, you are able to access and filter them directly within the order grid. This means using only one tool to manage all orders, instead of having to utilize multiple software programs. This also allows you to maintain your proofs of delivery in the same location as your driver-delivered orders. The will call order history within Elite EXTRA will also provide useful information, such as which user requested the signature and from which device the signature was collected. The proofs of delivery will remain on your order grid along with the invoices. You can use the advanced search settings to locate your proofs of delivery whenever you need it! In addition, you also have the flexibility of downloading and emailing them to your customers or saving them to your personal computer or a USB drive. You have plenty to keep track of already. Let Elite EXTRA increase your efficiency and save you time!
Where Can I Learn More About Elite EXTRA’s Will Call Feature?
For more information, please contact Elite EXTRA’s sales team at 1-888-484-8729 or sales@eliteextra.com. If you are a current Elite EXTRA customer, please contact our Customer Experience Team for more information at 888-484-8729, Option 3, or at support@eliteextra.com.