Do you run your service or delivery business based on requested or promised time windows to customers? If so, you may be asking yourself how is it possible to manage these time windows more efficiently and automatically to ensure everything is accomplished in the window it was promised?
Advanced Dispatching has made this process easier, more efficient, and keeps customers in the loop with real-time estimated time of arrival alerts.
Elite EXTRA’s Advanced Dispatch Software allows time windows to be used for many different purposes such as measuring a service level. You hear these promises all of the time in advertising — 1-hour delivery guaranteed or whatever the promise may be. The goal and customer expectation is to deliver products or services within that window of time, and advanced dispatching can help make that possible.
Setting requested times are part of the time windows function within Elite EXTRA. These can be either the start or the end requested time(s). Requested times are timestamps that are used in various ways to transport deliveries within or by a specified time. They can be used for deliveries to the customer or pickups from a customer. These times may be a window selected by your customer based on their availability or a time window you’ve set up for them.
The Elite EXTRA system takes these time windows an extra step: They can be used to automate certain dispatching processes. Time windows are set specifically for each customer and order and can be assigned to as few or as many customers as your workflow requires.
Through Advanced Dispatch, you can create routes that optimize based on distance and time, but also meet the requirements of the established and promised time windows. Automatically alert customers days ahead of time on when to tentatively expect their delivery if necessary. Additionally, customers can see their real-time ETA on the day of their expected delivery, so they’re constantly updated and in the know.
Ensuring that promised time windows are met is essential to cultivating repeat business and providing a positive customer experience. There are countless competitors bidding for your customer’s business, and providing customers with a top-notch experience is critical in today’s competitive environment.
Ready to learn more about how Elite EXTRA can help your daily operation? Contact us today! sales@eliteextra.com.