Elite EXTRA is an advanced dispatching software solution that is cloud-based and can be directly integrated with your ordering platform to continuously ingest orders for easy dispatching. As a business operator, you will likely envision different uses of such a software platform for different members of your team. Maybe you have a couple of individuals responsible for creating routes and dispatching, while others just need to see where the drivers are located and their ETAs to help answer questions from your customers. How can you ensure that each member of your staff has exactly what he or she needs to be successful and efficient?
Elite EXTRA allows the site admin to create unique user profiles for each team member. This sounds great, but what does that mean? What it means is when setting up users in Elite EXTRA, businesses can control exactly which areas and tasks each member of their team can perform or access within the software platform.
For example, there are two different levels of dispatching access, full dispatch and view-only dispatch, that can be granted to users, or maybe you prefer they don’t have dispatching access at all? Full dispatch access allows users to build, edit, and dispatch routes to drivers. View-only dispatch access allows users to see where the drivers are located on their routes, but it does not allow them the ability to build, edit, or dispatch any manifests. If your organization has multiple locations, users can be set up with different access levels based on location, meaning a user might have full dispatch access to their main location, but view-only dispatch access to the other locations. Maybe your workflow consists of centralized dispatching, meaning that one dispatcher is responsible for dispatching invoices from multiple locations to all drivers. The ability to set up users with multiple location access at different levels gives you the flexibility you need to accommodate your workflow processes.
When setting up users, site admins can also control who can create and edit orders, scheduled runs, and staff and driver profiles. This is particularly useful for setting up accounts for your counter personnel. You can set them up strictly with the order grid or route whiteboard access, where they can search by invoice or purchase order number to find the status of an order, if it’s on a route, the assigned driver, and the ETA of that delivery. Within seconds, they can easily find the information they need; making them more efficient but also taking your customer service to another level by being able to tell a customer more specific information about their deliveries and pickups.
The examples provided in this article are not all-encompassing. There are additional options you can enable when setting up users in Elite EXTRA. To learn more about Elite EXTRA’s advanced dispatching capabilities, please visit eliteextra.com, or contact our Sales Team at 1-888-484-8729 or sales@eliteextra.com.