Long gone are the days of paper trails, massive filing cabinets, and uncertainty regarding product delivery status. Proof of delivery is a must, and finding the best way for your business to capture that proof, store it, and send it to your customers is crucial. These tools make it possible for your business to be competitive and cost-effective while performing in the business-to-business and business-to-consumer space. Without proof of delivery (POD), you have no way to prove that your products were delivered, where they were delivered, or what conditions they were delivered in.
Photo capture and E-signature have become highly useful in the dispatching and delivery world, as they can be easily sent to customers when questions arise. This has become even more integral with new social distancing standards in place for product delivery. Photo capture has become the new norm – keeping drivers and customers safe while also successfully getting products and services directly to the consumer.
Elite EXTRA’s Photo Capture Feature:
Your drivers, equipped with the Elite EXTRA driver mobile application, can easily take photos at the point of delivery or service. This easy-to-use feature can be used to show the condition of the delivered product, where and when it was delivered, and can be easily retrieved at any time. Drivers can add notes to the photos for additional documentation.
All signatures and photos are automatically uploaded to the web where they are attached to a proof of delivery or service document in EXTRA. Those documents can then be set to automatically email to your customers or your team, allowing for a seamless customer experience. If you choose not to automatically email them to your customers, you can still easily access the delivery photos at any time in your order grid, or manually email them on a case by case basis as needed.
Elite EXTRA’s photo capture feature also allows you to determine if you want photos required at all stops or only for select stops. This feature can also be turned on for select drivers instead of all drivers, providing you and your drivers with the flexibility you require when working with your individual customers. To take optimum advantage of the Photo capture feature, drivers should be trained to take photos that capture the condition of the product, as well as identifying features of where the product was left. These details can be very useful when solving disputes.
Many competing solutions on the market only allow for one photo per stop, whereas Elite EXTRA allows for multiple images to ensure proper photo documentation. All images can easily be accessed within the Elite EXTRA platform.
Learn how Elite EXTRA’s photo capture can help validate your daily operations today! Go to eliteextra.com or contact our Sales Team at 1-888-484-8729 or sales@eliteextra.com.