We’re pleased to announce that Elite EXTRA has partnered with one of the nation’s leading crowdsourcing rideshare apps to offer fleet augmentation services for its customers. As part of EXTRA’s Last Mile Initiative (LMI) aimed at helping clients compete in the disruption of last mile deliveries, EXTRA worked in concert with the crowdsourcing company to offer the augmented driver service. With rising delivery costs and increased demand from customers for more timely deliveries and delivery visibility, this new integration has allowed strained fleets to better serve their customers, ultimately resulting in a decrease in lost sales and an increase in overall revenue. Several customers took part in the pilot, including MOPAR Masters Guild President Susan McDaniel: “The power of instantly accessing a driver to handle a critical delivery when our fleet is out has been instrumental in our focus on customer satisfaction and last mile deliveries.” Richard White, President of White Brothers Auto Parts Warehouse in Atlanta, also sees the potential for this type of innovation in the logistics and Last Mile markets: “With a delivery market that spans a large area, the closest driver may be miles away when a customer needs an order filled,” said White. “This feature can give us immediate fulfillment that our clients have come to expect, while also providing a leg up on our competition. Being able to easily add drivers to our fleet also means fewer hours of overtime for our drivers, which they would appreciate.” The initiative was successfully piloted in a handful of vertical markets, including Texas, Arizona and Georgia, and is expanding into other targeted markets for additional testing. |