According to a survey recently conducted by the staff at Elite EXTRA, the biggest challenges that are facing businesses today have to do with staffing. Delivery driver shortages were a concern before the COVID-19 pandemic, and the fallout from the shut-downs and safety precautions has brought those difficulties into the offices and sales floors but using a dispatch software help combat these concerns.
Humans have been utilizing ever-advancing technology to make jobs easier and to accomplish more with fewer resources since the stone age. And while the speed at which we produce new technology has increased dramatically the role of technology innovation has remained the same: make tasks easier.
Advanced dispatching software is no exception, and in the current economic climate, it is essential to any business that wants to stay competitive. The COVID-19 pandemic had people clamoring for delivery services, and it is expected that consumers will continue to utilize these services in greater numbers than ever before. In keeping with the theme of doing more with less, businesses are now driven to provide delivery services on top of the in-store services, with the same number or even fewer staff members than before which makes those staffing concerns even more worrisome.
How does advanced dispatching software like Elite EXTRA help to ease staffing concerns in this difficult time?
Improved Flexibility
Since the Elite EXTRA dispatching tool requires no software to be installed, it can be accessed from any laptop or desktop computer with internet access. This means that actions like monitoring orders, creating routes, and dispatching drivers can all be completed from any location, including from home. This means that fewer people are required to be in the physical store. Additional options like remote dispatching, drivers building their own routes via the driver app, and accounts set up to monitor multiple locations all work together to make your workflow simpler and ease your staffing concerns.
Quick and Efficient Delivery Routes
Once your business knows what needs to be delivered, planning the route to be quick and cover the fewest miles can be complicated. Elite EXTRA takes the guesswork out and creates routes that are the most efficient they can be. This means that more deliveries can be completed in less time, ultimately using fewer resources for your business. Since drivers are already difficult to come by, maximizing their time helps to allow for more business to be completed on a given day.
It may be some time before staff members are willing to return to work as they did before the pandemic, but the show must go on for businesses in the meantime. Utilizing technology innovations like advanced dispatching software can help ease your staffing concerns and even help your business thrive in these challenging times.