Automate Your Deliveries With Third-Party Automated Dispatch
A feature of Elite EXTRA Delivery Network
Automatically send delivery orders to the nation’s top third-party fleets like DoorDash, Uber, Roadie, and more to impress your customers with on-demand delivery

Automatically connect to the nation’s top third-party fleets by signing up for the Delivery Network, and utilize them to complete your deliveries
Set your business rules to automatically dispatch routes and orders to third-party providers based on lowest price, fastest delivery time, preferred providers and more
Allow the automatically selected delivery service to handle the pickup and delivery of your products, and stay updated throughout the entire process
Hands-free dispatching and delivery on-demand
Completely automate the delivery process from route creation through to delivery fulfillment with the help of automation and third-party delivery fleets
Third-Party Automated Dispatch Benefits
A Feature of Delivery Network
Hands-free third-party dispatching
Automated business rules
Fast, on-demand delivery
Delivery Network Benefits
Third-Party Delivery Platform
On-demand third-party delivery
Provider price/time comparisons
Central contracting & billing
Looking to automate your delivery process?
The future of delivery is here
Streamline and scale delivery operations with third-party delivery
Third party deliveries
Millions of delivery drivers
Delivery automation
Central contracting and billing
Provider price/time comparisons
Business rules setting
Preferred providers
Delivery provider analytics
Crowdsourced delivery
And much more!
Last mile delivery challenges are a thing of the past, want to learn how?
Frequently asked questions
Have questions about automatically dispatching to third-party fleets through Elite EXTRA’s Delivery Network?
What type of automation rules can be set up to fit my business needs for third-party automated dispatch?
There are a variety of different business rules that can be set to ensure the automation fits your needs. Some of these include:
- Setting a schedule for when you want orders to be automatically dispatched vs. when you want them to be manually dispatched.
- Setting which orders can be considered for automated dispatch based on order amount, customers, and more.
- Setting how you want the automation engine to select which providers to dispatch to based on quote amount, delivery speed, preferred priorities and more.
If dispatch is automated, how will I know if issues arise with my deliveries?
A key to any automated feature is making sure you are kept informed every step of the way. This is why any exceptions, issues, or changes that occur throughout the third-party automated dispatching process will be communicated to you through alerts. You can also report on third-party delivery exceptions to view, historically, the performance of the third-party delivery services.
In what situations would automated dispatch to a third-party be useful?
Third-party automated dispatch is especially useful in scenarios where you’re experiencing staffing shortages—both in terms of driving staff to deliver orders and store staff to handle routing & dispatching and order management. In these cases, as orders come in, they can automatically be put onto routes and dispatched to the best available third-party fleet for delivery. This way, the entire process is hands-free besides prepping the order and handing it to the delivery driver when they arrive.
Another popular use-case is scheduling third-party automated dispatch for low-demand times like nights and weekends, when you may want to reduce staff to cut costs. During these times, you can rely on automated dispatching to third-party fleets so you can reliably service orders on-demand with very minimal store staff.
There are many different situations where this feature can be a game changer for companies trying to deliver on-demand. Want to learn more about how you can use this Delivery Network feature? Contact our team for a live demo!
How does Delivery Network connect my company with delivery services?
Delivery Network is a third-party delivery platform that does all of the leg-work of partnering with third-party delivery services for you. We build the API integrations, negotiate the partnership agreements, handle payments, etc.
Because of this, all you have to do is select the providers available in your area that you want to deliver with, and they will be listed as options to send orders to within the Delivery Network. Our integrations with these delivery services will handle the sending of order information, route updates, and more. Meanwhile, we aggregate all of the payments for using these fleets and send it as a single invoice on a month-by-month basis.
Some of the top third-party fleets that deliver through our Delivery Network include DoorDash, Uber, Roadie, Curri, Go Share and Walmart GoLocal. We are continually adding new third-party delivery services to our network which means even more delivery options for you and your customers. Third-party provider availability is subject to your location, and we will connect you with the top fleets in your area.
Why use Delivery Network instead of partnering with delivery services directly?
Industry experiences have shown that the one-to-one partnership model for third-party delivery is flawed. Under this model, companies are often at the mercy of delivery service providers and have little control over pricing, timing, etc.
The Delivery Network model allows companies to connect with multiple delivery providers and choose the best option for each delivery–rather than having to rely on just one. Check out this white paper to see a more in-depth analysis of the differences between the one-to-one and Delivery Network models of 3PL.
Have other questions you want answered? Talk with our team or request a live demo to learn more!
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