Any time staff goes off-site, there can be some uncertainty with traffic flow and ensuring the most efficient routes are being taken. However, the advancements in technology that allow companies to track and plan routes for delivery drivers can also be utilized to track sales or service representatives who work in the field.
Real-Time Visibility
Elite EXTRA offers tracking-only capabilities that can be enabled for your sales personnel. This allows you real-time visibility access to your sales personnel on a map, which is beneficial for planning and scheduling additional sales stops, relaying relevant customer information in a timely manner, and improving your overall sales route efficiencies.
Improving Monitoring and Communication
Your sales personnel can simply download the EXTRA Driver app onto their Android or iOS devices. As they begin their sales route for the day, they simply log into the app. This provides visibility of their location to colleagues back at the shop who are utilizing Elite EXTRA’s cloud-based software. At the end of their workday, sales personnel log out of the app and are no longer visible to others. This can improve communication, planning, and customer service with your new and existing customers and leads. Monitoring both your drivers and sales personnel on the same platform can also be advantageous if a customer is inquiring about ETAs and part deliveries. Information can easily be communicated to either driver or sales team member, which can be passed along to the customer, ensuring they have a streamlined and efficient experience with your company.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Elite EXTRA also offers a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool that can be utilized by sales personnel for additional organization and efficiency. The CRM allows sales personnel to track their leads, take notes, and better manage their customers. With Elite EXTRA’s platform, customers can easily be downloaded from Elite EXTRA directly into the CRM, saving your sales personnel time. They can also use the CRM to determine the most efficient routes to take each day when planning out their daily stops. In addition, users do not have to use the Elite EXTRA CRM to take advantage of Elite EXTRA’s tracking-only capabilities. This allows you to pick and choose from the many features offered through the Elite EXTRA platform, allowing you the flexibility you need to best meet your individual workflow requirements.
For more information on how Elite EXTRA can assist your sales team, please visit eliteextra.com, or contact our Sales Team at 1-888-484-8729 or