Not all advanced dispatch solutions are created equally. When comparing different solutions, make sure to analyze each solution’s ability to provide integration, real-time tracking automation/learning, customizability, route-optimization, delivery or service time windows, ability to manage capacity, measurability, and longevity to make sure you’re getting the best possible solution.
Here are our “Top 10” features to look for in an advanced dispatching solution:
- AUTOMATED OR ASSISTED DISPATCHING – Many dispatching software solutions can route and track, but there are also advanced solutions that provide the ability to auto-route and auto-suggest routes. Routes can be auto-created in the most optimal order based on specific drivers, vehicle types, specified start and end times, and desired number of routes. Orders can be auto-suggested to an already active run in order to maximize routes in progress. Automated dispatching assists the dispatcher by reducing their amount of clicks and allows for easier dispatching.
- INTEGRATION – Integration capabilities can make or break the ability to streamline orders directly from the ERP/POS system to the dispatching software. Though seemingly straightforward, this process is a crucial component of dispatching effectively.
- REAL-TIME TRACKING – The ability to track packages, drivers, the outside sales team, service drivers, and all daily operations in real-time can provide immense opportunities in efficiency, reporting, and customer satisfaction. Real-time tracking provides the ability to see a detailed full-picture view of where everything is in relation to the dispatching cycle at any given moment.
- EXTERNAL DELIVERY SERVICES – Driver shortages are having a heavy impact on the world of retail. With external delivery services, retailers now have the ability to call in an outside driver to help deliver products faster and more cost-effectively. This same feature also benefits couriers, by allowing them to float their fleet and accept orders from retailers, creating a win-win scenario for both industries.
- CUSTOMIZABLE – While some solutions may provide a cookie-cutter, one size fits all option, other solutions provide customization to help meet each company’s individual dispatching needs. In addition, software customizability allows the business to adapt its operations as well as grow with future trends and needs.
- ROUTE OPTIMIZATION – Taking delivery to the next level requires the ability to optimize and also prioritize routes. Optimized routes organize each invoice in the most efficient order possible and may allow for re-arranging and customization of routes to prioritize VIP customers
- SCHEDULED ROUTES – Many times, certain routes will operate on a schedule of daily, weekly, or even monthly runs. Advanced dispatching software should allow a customer to set up their scheduled routes so that they are auto-created at the time of dispatch. This saves the dispatcher and manager immense amounts of time while also increasing the efficiency of the operation.
- DELIVERY OR SERVICE WINDOWS – When service or delivery windows are part of the delivery equation, it is important to be able to organize and route properly to meet the indicated time windows. Routes can be built to meet time windowed deliveries in the most optimal order to ensure that all deliveries are completed when the customer needs them to be.
- CAPACITY – Many industries rely on the ability to fit the proper amount of product in each vehicle as well as follow vehicle restrictions. Advanced dispatching solutions can formulate routes based on weight, size, vehicle capacity, driver specifications, and much more.
- COMMUNICATION – Communication is key in the quickly changing dispatching operation. Through email and text alerts, better customer communication is both possible and necessary to compete against larger e-commerce corporations. Customers expect more, and with the proper dispatching tool at your fingertips, providing key details to customers can be done automatically
Have questions on how advanced dispatching software can help power your daily operations? Contact us today!