The Route Whiteboard is a digital whiteboard of all the active routes and drivers. This feature within Elite EXTRA’s advanced dispatch solution allows for visibility of all current routes, estimated time of arrivals (ETAs) and driver information which is updated in real-time, as the drivers make their way through their routes. It is a space within Elite EXTRA where office staff can view all active drivers in one easy to understand platform.
The settings of the Route Whiteboard allow for additional flexibility and customization. The Route Whiteboard can be set up to monitor specific drivers, or it can be used to automatically monitor all of your drivers at one time. You can also set the pace at which your drivers and manifests will automatically scroll on the screen, allowing you to work on other things while still monitoring your driver and delivery activities.
The Route Whiteboard is a valuable feature that gives multiple contacts within a dispatch location, a quick view of all of the active dispatching workflows. Not only does it show delivered stops, delays reported by a driver, and invoices, but it also can be filtered by driver, customer, and location. This allows employees, such as your counter personnel, the ability to do a quick invoice or purchase order search so they can easily locate the estimated time of arrival, which driver has the invoice, and more. This allows them to effectively and quickly communicate with customers about the status of their orders when questions arise.
This feature also allows your busy dispatching staff the ability to monitor the routes of all drivers simultaneously; thus, giving them added confidence when trying to plan out their next routes. They can easily determine which driver should arrive back first, who will have availability in his or her day to take on another route, and so forth. In addition, if the driver’s phone number is entered within Elite EXTRA, this will also be displayed on the Route Whiteboard for those times when your dispatchers just need to pick up the phone and call their drivers. Sometimes the little time savers are what matters most!
For more information on Elite EXTRA or our Route Whiteboard feature, please contact Elite EXTRA’s sales team at 1-888-484-8729. or sales@eliteextra.com.