Patient transport
Maximize patient transport efficiency with optimized routing, real-time-tracking, and time window optimization
Elite EXTRA for patient transport
Efficiency, safety, and reliability are imperative in any patient transport business. This means arriving on time, getting patients where they need to go as efficiently and safely as possible, and keeping the passengers and the medical care facilities informed throughout the entire process. However, managing all of this while keeping costs down and efficiencies up can be very difficult.
Elite EXTRA aims to simplify patient transport operations by giving shuttle companies the necessary software to plan their routes, keep track of their drivers, and keep all relevant parties informed throughout the process. Read on to learn more about the many features of Elite EXTRA that help patient transport companies streamline their operations.
Optimized routing
Optimized routes are the first step in ensuring efficiency in your delivery or service operations. By utilizing EXTRA’s optimization engine, your routes will be built according to customer time windows, traffic, proximity, customer preferences, and much more. Optimization happens in seconds, allowing you to get your drivers on the road as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Email and text ETA alerts
Keep your customers informed with automatic email and text alerts. When the driver leaves for the route, email and text notifications will be sent to your customers with their order information and the driver’s estimated time of arrival. Your customers can then follow along utilizing a tracking link as the driver arrives at their location.
Communication is key in any last mile operation. Through built in messaging in the driver application, your managers, dispatchers, and customer service representatives can easily message the driver which is read aloud on their device. The drivers, while stopped, can respond to the team at home base. Additionally, managers and dispatchers can easily message each other within the dispatch screen for constant communication.
Real-time GPS tracking
Full visibility of your drivers and routes is the key to making informed decisions on the fly. See your drivers’ locations, speed, and route ETA’s on a live map in EXTRA. Easily change routes on the fly which are read aloud to the driver on their device. Additionally, communicate with the driver in real-time with the built-in EXTRA messaging tool.
Time window optimization
Fulfilling time windows for your deliveries or services is essential to keep your customers happy. In EXTRA, routes are optimized according to your time windows – ensuring that you are never late for a delivery or service appointment.
On-the-fly route changes
Customer expectations in your delivery operations are unpredictable. This is why Elite EXTRA’s cloud-based technology handles any changes that you make in real-time so that any route updates are communicated instantly to all relevant parties. This allows for routes to be adjusted on the fly so you can maximize the efficiency and customer satisfaction of your delivery operations.
Automatic routing
Auto-Route allows you to select a group of orders and automatically optimize routes for a specific number of drivers or vehicles. Or, select a group of orders and allow the system to build routes that fulfill your time windows with the least amount of drivers. Select any order and Auto-Suggest will run a full audit of all your drivers’ locations to find the best driver to complete that order.
Integration Partners:
Elite EXTRA has partnered with some of the top ERP, POS, inventory, and eCommerce platforms in a number of industries to make integrating your order data into the system a breeze! Due to Elite EXTRA’s cloud-based software and dedicated team, the solution is capable of integrating with any platform your business relies on.
Let's talk logistics
Have questions or want to learn more? Contact our team today to discover how Elite EXTRA can streamline your last mile logistics. Fill out the form or contact us from the email or phone number below to start a conversation.
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