We have all used a crowdsourcing platform at some point. Whether it was raising money for a product we wanted to see come to fruition, uploading traffic information to help others find a route without pesky construction, or even getting food delivered to us by a Postmates driver on a lazy Tuesday night.
But why not try crowdsourcing last mile delivery?
That’s the question we asked ourselves. The only good answer was: “why not?” Crowdsourcing last mile delivery is something that just makes sense. Your business, whether you are a locally owned business, short on drivers, or just looking to make a quick and important delivery during rush hour can benefit from crowdsourcing last mile delivery. Whichever camp you fall in, you can take advantage of the large pool of available drivers that are available at a moment’s notice to deliver for your business. We at Elite EXTRA are simply the brain behind the curtains that connects you to the driver to get your product that last mile to the consumer or business.
Elite EXTRA and Crowdsourcing
What is Elite EXTRA? At our core, we are an advanced dispatch and order management system. We help you manage those important deliveries during the all-important last mile. Not only that, but we keep visualization along the way and most importantly, find the fastest way to get it to its destination. Typically, this means finding you the most efficient route, but what if all your drivers are on routes?
The answer is easy, you crowdsource. Using a third-party crowdsourced delivery platform is quick and easy and most importantly: it gets your delivery out on time.
Crowdsourcing last mile delivery is even a great option if you don’t currently deliver and want to dip your toes in. Make a delivery here and there, decide how it’s going to fit into your workflow, and slowly incorporate it or start to hire your own drivers.
You Can Crowdsource
Crowdsourcing last mile delivery is within your reach. Whether big or small, having on-demand deliveries for your business from trusted companies like Lyft or Postmates is already here, and you can utilize it with the click of a button.
What are you waiting for?
Contact Us Today
Reach out to us today to schedule a demo to see how crowdsourcing last mile delivery can help you increase your bottom line.
For more information on Elite EXTRA’s advanced dispatching software and its streamlined chain of custody capabilities, please visit eliteextra.com or contact Elite EXTRA’s sales team at 1-888-484-8729 or sales@eliteextra.com.