We recognize that you and your team are on the front lines of delivering goods and services, bringing everything from groceries, to pharmaceuticals, to services and auto parts to homes and businesses. During these uncertain times, Elite EXTRA offers efficient contact free dispatch and delivery options to keep your employees healthy and safe.
Here are five contact-free dispatching and delivery solutions to consider for your business.
Dispatch From Home
Using our cloud-based software, employees can log into Elite EXTRA from the safety of their homes. Using their same login information, staff can access Elite EXTRA from any device with a web browser and internet access to build and dispatch their manifests while maintaining social distancing and contact-free guidelines.
Centralized Dispatching
Centralized dispatching allows one dispatcher to dispatch for more than one location using only one EXTRA profile, and even share drivers and vehicles across locations. With the limited driver pool and your employees working from home, optimize your current assets to the best of your abilities. This allows for fewer individuals to be on-site, thus offering a safer solution to help you navigate these challenging times.
Mobile Dispatching
Mobile dispatching allows drivers to build their own routes using their mobile devices. This reduces the need for your drivers and dispatchers to interact in close proximity, making this a great contact free dispatching solution for your business.
Proof of Delivery with Photos
Keep your drivers safe by eliminating the need for them to interact with your customers directly. By using our proof of delivery feature with photos, your drivers no longer need to hand over their devices to collect signatures. They can maintain a safe distance while taking photos of their deliveries. These photos can now be included on proofs of delivery documents that can be automatically emailed to customers, offering a complete contact free solution that keeps everyone involved safe.
Delivery Network
If you are short on drivers, or are trying to reduce the number of employees working at the same time, consider using an Delivery Network service, available in select markets. Configure your site to integrate with Lyft, Postmates, and others coming soon! Contact your sales representative or account manager today to discuss this feature!
These are just several of Elite EXTRA’s dispatching and delivery solutions. If you would like to learn more or discuss other ideas with our staff, please contact the Elite EXTRA Sales Team at sales@eliteextra.com.